How to help your photography clients feel confident on shoot day

How to Help Your Clients Feel Confident On Shoot Day

When it comes to ensuring your branding photography clients feel confident on shoot day, often it's the leg work in the lead up to the shoot that makes all the difference.

While most business owners realise they need images to grow and promote their brand, what they often don't think about are the specifics - what kinds of images they need, what style will suit their brand, what they actually want or need in the photos, etc. This is where we come in.

Helping to map out these details and prepare your client as much as possible before the shoot, will help your clients trust you and feel confident that you've understood their needs and are going to get them exactly what they need. This confidence in you will then translate to how they feel on the day and their ability to trust and trust the process. 

Winging it and just turning up on the day makes things difficult and a bit nerve-racking for both of you as no one knows what the expectations are for the shoot.

Build your client's confidence by helping them prepare for their shoot in these five ways...



    • What three words do you want people to say about your business?
    • What is your brand vibe? Are you polished and professional, or fun and relaxed?
    • What are your main content pillars?

    The more clarity you both have around each of these things, the more focused you can be on creating images that are on-brand and relevant for them. The last thing either of you want is to capture a bunch of images that they cant use.

    Asking these questions also helps them to get clear on their brand messaging and the general feel of their images. This then feeds into other important aspects of the shoot such as their props, wardrobe choices, and location details.




    During my discovery calls I always talk about wardrobe and makeup options with my clients. I would say the split is 50/50 as to if people want to have professional makeup done or not.  

    For a lot of clients, getting their makeup professionally done is a great way to boost their confidence in front of the camera. Equally so, there are also clients who prefer to do it themselves (or not at all). I am okay with what ver the client feels most comfortable with.

    How your clients style themselves also depends a lot on their brand vibe and business type too. For example, a lawyer or real estate agent may opt for a more professional look, but a pilates instructor or fitness coach might look rather out of place with a full face of makeup. 


    When it comes to hair, I usually recommend client's have a hair appointment a week or so before  their shoot so their hair is looking it's brightest and best.



    Choosing what to wear for a shoot is often one of the most challenging aspects for people to get right.

    That is why I have created 'What to Wear Style Guides' which not only go through general wardrobe tips, but also provide style boards that illustrate different looks and ways to put out them together.

    If I have client that is really lost and struggling I also refer them to my preferred stylist who can help them put tougher outfits for their shoot. Not every wants, or has the budget for this option, but the ones that do opt-in for it are a lot more confident on shoot day.

    I also include this information in my Personal Branding Shoot Guide, which I send to my client early on in the process. Having this information upfront allows them plenty of time to understand all of the things they need to plan and consider to prepare for their branding shoot.



    Pinterest is great for this! Having a visual guide for what your client's want to create is one of the best ways to give them confidence as it enables them to visualise what the photos might look like. 

    As your clients are preparing the inspo board it helps them to put more thought into the images they want to create. In return you as the photographer also get a much clearer idea about the types of images they want to create.

    I will usually ask client's to send through their board before our strategy call so we can discuss it and really drill down on what they like most about the images they've chosen.



    Prior to a shoot I always send my clients a copy of my Personal Branding Shoot Ideas doc to help them decide which shots they need for their session. 

    Along, with the inspo board, it forms the basis of the client's shot list.

    Once the shot list is finalised you can then create a timeline of what order you will shoot the images in. This helps your client organise the flow of their wardrobe, hair and accessories.

    For example, if I have a health coach that wants a mix of working/formal images, as well as images of them in action, we will plan to do all of the working shots first. Then for the exercise/movement images, they can then put their workout clothes on, and tie their hair up without messing up the styling for the other images.



    When I first meet client's on location, I'll always start by going through the shot list and wardrobe with them to make sure we are both on the same track for the shoot in terms of timelines. wardrobe changes, etc. I find this calms and focuses the client on the flow of the shoot and what to expect.

    As we get into things I like to start with the 'easy' stuff first. I tend to let the client pose in a way that is most comfortable to them, and if I think it looks awkward then I will tell them where to move their body or what to do with their hands.

    Talking to your clients throughout the shoot is really important. Telling them how to pose, how great they look, how gorgeous their smile is, asking questions, telling jokes, etc all helps to loosen them up and make them feel more comfortable. 

    I also ask my clients to move around; look here, walk over there looking at me, look away, etc so they are never standing about looking awkward. I also sit in front of them and actually show them how I want them to sit, so they can mirror me in the pose.

    I often find that at the end of the shoot most client's feel so confident they tend to do the poses naturally by themselves.


    So to wrap this all up for you...

    When your clients feel comfortable and confident during their shoot, it shows in their images. I have had a lot of clients tell me that I made them feel really comfortable and relaxed, and I think part of this is because I am a relaxed type of person, but also because I do all of these things that I have outlined above.

    I have a genuine interest in creating the best images in my clients, and I know that the best way of achieving this is preparing them so they feel empowered about the shoot and can be the most confident version of themselves on shoot day.

    I have created a some resources specifically written for the Personal Branding niche which can help you help support your clients through the shoot process:

    The Client Questionnaire - get the planning started on the right foot with my client questionnaire.

    Women's What To Wear Branding Shoot Style Guide - General tips on styling and wardrobe ideas for women, including 9 done for you illustrated looks on a style board.

    Men's What To Wear Branding Shoot Style Guide - General tips on styling and wardrobe ideas, including 5 done for you illustrated looks on a style board.

    The Branding Shoot Guide - This outlines all of the things that clients need to think about before their branding shoot, including topics like location, hair and makeup, and prop ideas.

    The Personal Branding Shoot Ideas - A great resource that I send to my clients to help them get some inspiration for the types of images they want to create for their own branding shoot.

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