The Do's and Don'ts of Personal Branding Photography

The Do's and Don'ts of Personal Branding Photography

If you are new to personal branding, it's important to understand how this specialised niche might be different from other niche's that you have been shooting. 


Let's explore common mistakes to avoid in personal branding photography and provide valuable dos and don'ts to help you capture unique images that truly represent your clients' personal brand.

1. DO: Understand Your Clients' Brand Identity
Before you start shooting, take the time to understand your clients' brand identity. Ask questions (see my questionnaire here), engage in conversations, and review their brand guidelines if available. Understanding their values, target audience, and visual preferences will guide your creative decisions and ensure that you are shooting inline with these guidelines.

DON'T: Do your own thing 
While it's important to bring your creative vision to the table, a client session is not the place to work on new techniques and styles. Unless requested by the client that you have full creative license, it's important to work to the shot brief and shoot guide to ensure you create images that reflect your clients brand.

2. DO: Plan and Prepare Ahead of Time 
Proper planning is crucial for successful personal branding photography. Collaborate with your clients to determine the goals and objectives of the shoot. Discuss locations, styling, props, and any specific shots they have in mind. Planning ahead will ensure that you have a clear direction, and both you and your clients are on the same page.

DON'T: Just show up and shoot

When I used to shoot families it was harder to write a specific shot list as you never knew how the kids were going to act, so you kind of had to go with the flow of what the kids were doing at the time. Branding photographery is not that, so please don't just show up and start shooting with out learning more about your clients brand and some of the specific images they want to capture.

3. DO: Create a Comfortable and Relaxed Atmosphere
To capture authentic and natural expressions, we need to create a comfortable and relaxed environment for our clients. Build rapport, engage in conversations, and make them feel at ease. Encourage them throughout the shoot, help them with their posing, and create a positive and enjoyable experience. When your clients are comfortable, their true personalities will shine through in the photographs.

DON'T: Rush Through the Session
Avoid rushing through the session. Allow ample time for your clients to relax, get comfortable, and adjust to the environment. Rushing can lead to forced and unnatural expressions. Take breaks if needed, and maintain a relaxed pace throughout the shoot to capture genuine moments.

4. DO: Pay Attention to details

Everyone can take photos on their phones these days, so when people are hiring a branding photographer they are looking for that extra bit of polish in their images. 

Attention to detail is what sets great branding photography apart from mediocre photography, and is what gives the client value when they hire hire you.

Think about the clients presentation, is there hair sitting nicely, do they need to reply lipstick, is the lighting still good are some questions that you should be thinking while shooting.

How is the composure, leading lines, symmetry, and balanced framing? Attention to these aspects will elevate the visual impact of your photographs.

DON'T: Overlook the Background and Surroundings
Be mindful of the background and surroundings when capturing personal branding photographs. Avoid cluttered or distracting backgrounds that may take the focus away from your clients.

Look for clean and uncluttered spaces that complement their brand and visual identity. Remember, the background should enhance the overall composition and help tell their story.

5. DO: Look after your equipment and be prepared

Ensure that your camera, lenses, lighting equipment, and backup gear are in proper working condition. Carry extra batteries, memory cards, and any additional accessories you may need during the shoot. Do you need any backdrops or lighting for this shoot? Being prepared will minimise interruptions and allow you to look in control and able to focus on capturing great shots.

To Sum Up

By understanding some of these dos and don'ts of personal branding photography, you can avoid common mistakes and deliver an exceptional experience and outcome for your clients. 


PS If you are looking for some resources to help you along the way them make sure to check these out:

To be more prepared and discover more about your clients have a look at the Client Questionnaire 

To help you clients feel more at ease on shoot day have a look at the Branding Shoot Guide and the What to Wear Guide(for men and women).

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